Services | Water

Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante has emerged as one of the reference laboratories in the environmental sector and water.

Our experience in the control of discharge to sewer, assessment of the state of rivers and reservoirs, water control consumption, analyzing sea water, analytical control of WWTP and analysis of soils and sediments allows the planning and execution of complex control plans and analytical testing.

Our knowledge of the legal and regulatory requirements relating to the environment allows us to guide projects to obtain the appropriate information in each case.



Sampling and subsequent analysis of urban and industrial waste water

PDF Sewage

Prepotable and drinking water

Analysis of drinking water, bottled water and water for use in the food industry

PDF Prepotable and drinking water

Recreation and pool water

Tests to determine compliance with current legislation in this field.

PDF Recreation and pool water

Process water

Control of the manufacturing processes and management of waste effluents.

PDF Process water

Sea water

We offer analytical services in marine waters.


PDF Sea water

Inland waters (surface and groundwater)

We perform physico-chemical analytical tests required by the WFD ( quality indicators and priority hazardous substances)..

PDF Inland waters (surface and groundwater)