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Kick off meeting of LIFE15-EMPORE, led by Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante, S.L., for the removal of emerging pollutants from WWTPs
On Tuesday the 27 th of September has taken place, in the LTL’s facilities, the Kick off Meeting of the LIFE Project “Development of an efficient and sustainable methodology for EMerging POllutants REmoval in WWTPs” (EMPORE), which is led by Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante, S.L. As a result, the main objectives of the project and its scope have been established, as well as the work plan for the following three years.
Representatives of the associated beneficiaries, EPSAR, AIDIME University of Alicante, CONSOMAR, S.A. and Stitching IHE Delft (UNESCO), attended the meeting too.
EMPORE (ref. LIFE15 ENV/ES/000598) is co-financied by LIFE+2015 Call, The LIFE Programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. The project is due to last 36 months, with a total budget of 1.783.824€.
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- 6TH Iberoamerican Congress on Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. CICTA 2013-07-02
- 6TH Iberoamerican Congress on Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. CICTA 2013-07-01
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- Participation in the contest SMAGUA 2012 2012-03-09
- Participation in VI Technical Conference organized by ESAMUR 2011-11-16
- XVIII Symposium of Cryptogamic Botany 2011-07-13
- 7th Symposium of the European Freshwater Sciences 2011-06-20
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- Participation in VI Technical Conference organized by ESAMUR 2010-11-10
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- Participation in V Technical Conference organized by ESAMUR 2009-11-25
- Participation in the Technical Conference organized by AEAS 2009-09-24
- Participation in IV Technical Conference organized by ESAMUR 2008-11-12
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