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Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante (LTL) obtains the open scope for determining pesticedes wastes

Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante, S.L. (LTL) has achieved the open scope for the determination of pesticides wastes in fruits and vegetables with high water content and low fat content, by the National Entity of Accreditation ENAC. This new scope represents not only an increase in the number of accredited matrices, but also includes more than 95% of the active matrices inside its accredited scope.

Having achieved this new scope, LTL is in disposal of offering its human and material resources for carrying out the following new analysis in fruits, vegetables, water, soli, foliates and superficial:

  • Pesticides wastes (more than 325 actives matters by GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS)
  • Ditiocarbamates

-     Specific  determination (fosetil-al, glyhosate, glufosinate, etc.)

  • Perchlorate and quaternary ammonium salts
  • Nitrates and nitrites
  • Metals (Cd, Pb, etc.)

-Microbiological control (E. coli, Listeria, Salmonella spp, etc.)

LTL aiming at achieving the absolute satisfaction of its customers, is continuously adding new actives matters, developing new methods and increasing the range of application of new matrices based on the needs of the companies. We can deal with any analytical demand within the minimum feasible period and at the best price.