Enterprise | News

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- 2023-06-05
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- 2023-05-21
- 2023-03-27
- 2023-03-23
- 2023-03-21
- More than 500,000 agri-food and environmental tests carried out per year in Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante 2023-02-23
- Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante, approved by the QS system to guarantee the quality of fresh foodstuffs 2023-02-13
- Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante launches its macroinvertebrate intercomparison exercise for laboratories interested in complying with ISO17025 2023-01-30
- LTL investigates massive sequencing techniques to combat food fraud 2023-01-24
- Interview with Amparo Ferrer on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante 2022-12-21
- We collaborate with Casa Caridad in its work to help people in vulnerable situations 2022-12-20
- We are committed to the change in the management and maintenance of urban wastewater treatment plants 2022-06-09
- Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante obtains the R&D Management certification 2022-04-29
- LTL obtains QS recognition as a laboratory to carry out the control of fruits and vegetables 2022-03-31
- Innovative solutions to maximize the value of water 2022-03-22
- RED CONTROL renews the certification of the ISO 45001:2018 standard on safety and health at work 2022-02-14
- LTL expands and renews its scope of ENAC accreditation in agri-food products 2021-11-25
- Four-year MD 301 renewal in the last quarter of 2021 2021-10-21
- LTL offers analytical cost optimization to its clients 2021-06-22
- LTL includes karanjina and matrina in its analyzes 2021-06-21
- Grupo Red Control - Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante uses genomic techniques based on molecular biology to investigate biodiversity in the environment 2021-06-05
- LTL is certified in the standard UNE 166002: 2014 on the R+D+I management system 2021-04-07
- LTL participates in Día Mundial del Agua 2021-03-22
- LTL accredited for real-time pcr detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2 in waste water 2021-01-12
- New look, new impetus 2020-11-25
- Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante expands its analytical capacity to face the second wave of COVID19 2020-10-29
- We inaugurate the GENOMIC STUDIES laboratory at our facilities in Paterna 2020-09-22
- Desarrollamos junto con la empresa italiana SIAM SPA el muestreo y análisis de material genético del SARS-COV-2, causante de la enfermedad COVID19, en el área de Siracusa (Italia) 2020-09-16
- LTL y RED CONTROL en colaboración con la UV desarrollan el estudio de la microbiota presente en las aguas residuales y EDARs 2020-07-06
- The CE publishes Regulation (EU) 2020/749 and establishes maximum limits for chlorates in food and feed 2020-06-29
- SARS-CoV-2 surveillance 2020-06-18
- Laboratorios Tecnologicos de Levante is excited to announce the launch of its new control tool for detecting SARS-CoV-2 2020-04-27
- LIFE EMPORE project closing day. The LIFE EMPORE project is successfully completed after 40 months of activity 2019-12-16
- Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante (LTL) starts the water regeneration project through green filters 2019-06-19
- LTL first company in its sector to obtain the certificate "Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo" according to ISO 45001 2019-01-29
- LIFE EMPORE acude al evento “WATER KNOWLEDGE EUROPE” 2018-11-29
- LIFE EMPORE y BIOWAT-KIT: Dos ejemplos de éxito de la internacionalización de Pymes Valencianas 2018-11-20
- Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante (LTL) forma a sus técnicos en Olfatometría Dinámica de Campo 2018-10-02
- Meat industry: Antimicrobial Resistance in Animal Production and new ways of marketing 2018-09-30
- The LIFE EMPORE pilot plant starts for the elimination of emerging pollutants in wastewater 2018-09-17
- Próxima Jornada de Sensibilización del Sector de Producción Animal 2018-09-03
- Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante (LTL): success story of a Valencian company 2018-07-05
- BIOWAT-KIT project led by Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante (LTL) starts 2018-07-04
- LTL participates in XIX Conference of the Iberian Association of Limnology 2018-06-24
- 2nd Water JPI Conference. Emerging Pollutants in freshwater ecosystems. 2018-06-08
- Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante (LTL) acoge al Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria de AECOC en sus instalaciones 2018-05-03
- 3rd LIFE-EMPORE’s follow up meeting in Delft (The Netherlands) 2018-04-25
- Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante (LTL) distinguida por la contribución y reducción de la siniestralidad laboral 2018-03-05
- Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante (LTL) reconocido por FACE y ADILAC para el análisis de GLUTEN y LACTOSA 2018-02-26
- Ampliación del alcance de acreditación ENAC en el sector Agroalimentario 2018-02-18
- Renovación cuatrianual MD 301 en el primer trimestre de 2018 2018-02-11
- Ampliación del alcance de acreditación ENAC en el sector medioambiental 2018-02-07
- LTL participa en el libro “Empresas que cambian el mundo” 2018-02-01
- LIFE-EMPORE website is already available¡ 2017-02-28
- LIFE15-EMPORE project continues with the kickoff of the emerging pollutants analytical campaign carried out by Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante 2016-11-28
- Laboratorios Tecnológico de Levante publishes the Mobile Application Client 2016-10-03
- Kick off meeting of LIFE15-EMPORE, led by Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante, S.L., for the removal of emerging pollutants from WWTPs 2016-09-28
- Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante will lead the LIFE Project for the removal of emerging pollutants from WWTPs 2016-09-06
- Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante is recognised as “Innovative SME” by de Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness 2016-01-18
- Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante (LTL) has become the first Laboratory in Spain accredited by ENAC in the detection of Salmonella enteritidis and Typhimurium by using the PCR-rt technique in meat 2015-09-01
- Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante widens its ENAC accreditation in agro-food products 2015-09-01
- Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante (LTL) obtains the open scope for determining pesticedes wastes 2015-09-01
- Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante widens the first ENAC accreditation as Entity of Environmental Inspection in the area of water 2015-07-02
- The UTE LTL-EKOLUR will make the control of the chemical state of País Vasco’s rivers 2015-06-08
- Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante will make the control of the chemical-ecological state of Miño 2015-06-04
- Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante undertake analysis of discharges in Madrid until 2016 2014-11-04
- Participation in XVII Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology 2014-07-08
- Participation in the XVII Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology 2014-07-07
- 6TH Iberoamerican Congress on Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. CICTA 2013-07-02
- 6TH Iberoamerican Congress on Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. CICTA 2013-07-01
- 3rd SCARCE International Conference 2012-11-26
- Participation in the contest SMAGUA 2012 2012-03-09
- Participation in VI Technical Conference organized by ESAMUR 2011-11-16
- XVIII Symposium of Cryptogamic Botany 2011-07-13
- 7th Symposium of the European Freshwater Sciences 2011-06-20
- A system designed by the UPV allows eliminates toxics in the water only sunlight 2011-01-13
- Participation in VI Technical Conference organized by ESAMUR 2010-11-10
- Award for best photography in the second category of photographic competition organized by the GBS 2010-10-01
- Participation in V Technical Conference organized by ESAMUR 2009-11-25
- Participation in the Technical Conference organized by AEAS 2009-09-24
- Participation in IV Technical Conference organized by ESAMUR 2008-11-12
- Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante will make the control of the operation and maintenance of the WWTP’s of various municipalities of Castilla-La Mancha