Enterprise | Equality Plan
Commitment to Equality
Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante, aware of the need to eliminate and correct any possible inequalities that may exist between the different people who make up its workforce, is committed to drawing up an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PLAN for men and women in the company. To this end, it is going to establish various positive, innovative and continuous improvement actions to carry it out.
These measures are aimed at avoiding any type of discrimination between women and men and seek to make equality a reality in areas such as access to employment, reconciliation of family and professional life, promotion and training, remuneration, occupational health and communication. In short, they will improve the conditions of the company and the people who work in it, thus achieving a culture of success.
The implementation of the EQUALITY PLAN is a further step on the road to BUSINESS EXCELLENCE, an objective that the company has set itself as part of its Strategic Action Plan. Business excellence is not only achieved by caring for our product and service, the environment and health and safety, but also, and fundamentally, by caring for and respecting our staff, our customers and our suppliers. In this way we will achieve a more sustainable, ethically more responsible and economically more productive, profitable and competitive company.
Within three years of signing this commitment, we plan to implement our EQUALITY PLAN with the involvement of the General Manager, Head of Human Resources, Head of Quality, Environment and Health and Safety and all the staff of the organisation. Once it has been established, we will carry out periodic monitoring and evaluation of the level of implementation of the plan.
The achievement of these lines of action will be carried out in accordance with the guidelines set out in Organic Law 3/2007, for the effective equality of women and men.