R & D
The main objective of the R & D department is to encourage the development and innovation in each of the departments in the company. New knowledge and new applications that have been developed, have in turn allowed us to position ourselves in a prominent place in the market, constantly improving the services offered to our customers.
Within the area of innovation and development, Laboratorios Tecnlógicos de Levante, specializes in the following areas:
- Species Identification by Mass Sequencing
- Characterization of Biological Communities by Mass Sequencing Techniques (NGS).
- Detection of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria (ARBS) and Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARGS).
- New methodologies for the Study of Contamination in Continental Waters.
- Characterization of Emerging Pollutants in Edar Outflow Waters and use of new low-cost technologies for their elimination.
- Low cost technologies and Environmental Impact for the Treatment of Fecal Contamination of Edar Effluents.
In Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante (LTL), innovation arises as a need to adapt to new market demands. The result of this vision are the services offered by LTL, which are continuously adapted to the new and constant needs of the water sector.